
Lawn Advice and How-Tos

From seasonal turf care trends and mowing tips to unique insights into Grasshopper and the wider lawn care industry, read all that and more with our QuickCuts below.

Four ways you can enjoy the outdoors during the quarantine

Four ways you can enjoy the outdoors during the quarantine

Over the past month or so, self-quarantining and social distancing have shaken our daily routines …

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Six amazing yards to inspire you

Six amazing yards to inspire you

Feeling cooped up? If some of your spring plans were delayed, we feel your pain. So, here’s a …

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Four tips to help you prepare your mower for spring

Four tips to help you prepare your mower for spring

It’s the most wonderful time of the year — mowing season. With spring starting to shine through, …

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Preparing your fleet for spring

Preparing your fleet for spring

As winter loosens its grip and the first signs of green start to appear in the landscape, it means …

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Finding the perfect mower for the perfect cut

Finding the perfect mower for the perfect cut

If you find yourself reading this blog, or any of our blogs for that matter, it’s no secret what …

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New year, new you, new lawn

New year, new you, new lawn

There’s no better time for change than the start of a new year, much less a new decade. And, with a …

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Ready to upgrade your mower? Here are 5 features to look for

Ready to upgrade your mower? Here are 5 features to look for

If you mow with Grasshopper, you know your mower is built to last. But if you find yourself ready …

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Five tips to keep your lawn healthy this holiday season

Five tips to keep your lawn healthy this holiday season

Whether you’re a holiday decorator extraordinaire or are more modest with your festive displays, …

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Five tips to help protect your plants from the winter chill

Five tips to help protect your plants from the winter chill

When Mother Nature sends freezing temps your way, it’s not just uncomfortable for animals and …

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Your fall to-do list for a healthy lawn next spring

Your fall to-do list for a healthy lawn next spring

Getting ahead of your springtime lawncare starts early—really, really early. In the fall, as a …

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How to get more from your mower this winter

How to get more from your mower this winter

The weather is cooling down and the days are getting shorter. Soon, many of your friends and …

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Seven cost-effective curb appeal tips to liven up your lawn

Seven cost-effective curb appeal tips to liven up your lawn

Feel like your yard could use a boost, but you don’t want to break the bank? According to USA …

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Creating an autumn-inspired look for your lawn

Creating an autumn-inspired look for your lawn

Beginning to feel a crispness in the air? It’s our first brush with autumn, and it has us feeling …

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Outdoor living with a lush yard (yes, you can have both)

Outdoor living with a lush yard (yes, you can have both)

The weather’s warm and our outdoor areas are being used more than ever. And yeah, we all love …

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A healthy yard, a healthier you

A healthy yard, a healthier you

We know caring for your yard can do wonders for your ego. There’s an undeniable sense of pride and …

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