Lawn Advice and How-Tos

Steps to keeping your lawn a summer showstopper

Written by Grasshopper Mower | Jun 28, 2021

If picture-perfect striping is what you’re after this summer, your ZeroTurn mower is certainly where you want to look. But that only goes so far without thick, healthy grass. We’ll take you through the lawn care steps to help you grow the ideal canvas for your stripes.


Know Your Turf


Do you have cool-season grass (like fescue, rye and bluegrass) or warm-season grass (like Bermuda, Zoysia or St. Augustine)? The first step is knowing the answer to this question because it’ll determine when to fertilize your grass and expect the best health and appearance. 


Fertilize warm-season in the spring; cool-season in the fall—with cool-season grasses growing best with temperatures in the mid-60s and warm-season varieties preferring temps in the 70s (F). 


Feed Your Turf


In the early summer, before the harsh heat and low rainfall take their toll, strengthen your lawn with a turf builder applied in the morning. 


Give Pests A Treat(ment)


Got grubs? You may not know, as they can lie dormant for warmer weather to arise.  Treat your lawn for grubs if you or any neighbors had a problem the previous summer. Many lawn pests begin as grubs and love to munch on your grass’s roots, causing patches and dead spots. 


Mow High


Super short grass isn’t all it’s cropped up to be. Raise your MidMount™ or FrontMount™ deck to cut about 1/3 of the grass length at once. The extra shade on the soil keeps moisture and nutrients in your lawn, improving root strength.


Water (And Mow) In The Morning


In mid- to late summer, when it gets cookie-baking hot outside, it’s best to mow earlier in the day between 6a.m.-10a.m., or later in the evening after peak-heat, which will vary from day to day throughout the summer months. Make sure you water the grass until moisture penetrates 4-6 inches into the soil so the roots are saturated. But don’t water every day. Your grass adapts to search lower soil depths for water when you space out your watering schedule. Watering too often can lead to run-off, which becomes wasteful and doesn’t reach the roots.


Proper summer lawn care isn’t rocket science, but it does take a few early mornings and some dedication. Try the tips above and check back for more lawn care tips for a yard that turns heads—in any season.
