Take a load (on) and off — safe trailer onboarding for every type of mower

Safe trailer onboarding for every type of mower

There is a right and wrong way to load a mower onto a trailer safely, and while the process might seem simple, there is potential for injury and damage to the machine if not handled with care. From missing the ramp to tipping a mower, common slip-ups can result in casualties for operators and equipment. 


Properly tying down a mower after loading is equally important. Serious accidents can occur on the road when an unsecured mower rolls off a trailer and into oncoming traffic. If a tie-down loosens while you’re pulling the trailer and the mower jostles and bangs against rugged trailer sides, you can end up back at the shop for repairs. 


For all these reasons, reviewing how to load, tie down and unload any mower type properly is a best practice any landscaper should revisit on a regular basis.


Properly loading and unloading your mower backward onto a trailer


Even for experienced operators, you can never be too careful — and even those who are most comfortable loading mowers onto trailers can let their guard down in a push for efficiency, get distracted and miss an important step. A wise rule of thumb is to treat every time you load and unload your mower onto a trailer like the first time, exercising caution and ensuring proper safety protocols. Here is some guidance:



  • While seated with the seatbelt fastened, rotate the machine 180 degrees
  • Align tail wheels to the trailer ramp
  • Slowly back onto the trailer, putting the majority of your weight toward the front axle
  • Stop the machine and pull the parking brake
  • Turn off the engine
  • Safely step off the trailer
  • Fasten the mower to the trailer (see steps below)
  • Repeat these steps in reverse to unload the trailer


Safely loading and unloading your mower forward onto a trailer


If your trailer ramp isn’t too steep, you can also drive your mower forward onto the trailer. When forward-loading a mower, follow similar steps as backward loading, also making sure to position most of your weight toward the front axle to keep the mower stable on the trailer as you haul it down the road.



  • Forward-load a mower onto a trailer by first fastening your seat belt and releasing the parking brake
  • Position tires at the tailgate of the trailer
  • Drive forward, slowly ease the machine onto the trailer while centering your weight over the front axles
  • Activate the parking brake and turn off the machine
  • Fasten the mower to the trailer (see steps below)
  • To unload the trailer in forward gear, reverse these steps

The correct way to secure a mower to a trailer


Once your mower is carefully loaded onto the trailer, you must securely strap it down to prevent accidents, injury to others and damage to the machine. While a mower falling off a trailer is a worst-case scenario, even loose straps can harm your equipment if it shifts during transport. 

As with loading/unloading protocols, it’s always a good idea to review proper methods for securing equipment with operators regularly and inspect all straps for wear and/or damage, replacing them when necessary. 



Front-mount mower: Hooks are located on the rear sides of the mower. Simply hook in the straps, pull to tighten and ratchet them down securely. Repeat the steps for the front caster hooks.

Mid-mount mower: Hooks are located on the rear sides of the mower and under the footrest in the front of the mower. Repeat the steps to strap in the mower securely.

Stand-on mower: Tie-down hooks are located on either side of the platform, with front hooks located near the front wheels. Repeat the steps to secure your stand-on mower.


Ask the Safety Experts at Grasshopper 


Reviewing safe mower loading, tie-down and unloading protocols for any type of mower is important whether you’re a veteran operator or just starting a landscape business. Lean on Grasshopper Mowers as a ready resource for mowing tips, maintenance pointers and best practices to improve your performance. 

We invite you to test-drive a Grasshopper Mower at one of our servicing dealers, and remember to ask about financing offers. Our library of how-to videos and newsletter provide helpful information. Thinking about a new mower for your fleet? Our team can help you choose the best model for your needs.