How to keep weeds off your property

How to keep weeds off your property

Weeds can ruin even the most promising of lawns—turning that picturesque, envy-inducing finish into a patchy eyesore in no time. From crabgrass and clovers to ground ivy, weed infestation is no joke. And if you’re gearing up for a springtime turf war with every grass lover’s worst enemy, you’ll need all the help you can get. Read on to learn the three steps to proper weed prevention. 


Identify the Type 


Proper weed control, like every great battle, starts first with understanding the enemy. Identifying and learning about the type of weed you’re up against is the most effective way to topple a truly nasty case of weed infestation. Here is a quick breakdown of some of the most common weed types to get you started:





An annual warm-season weed that takes root and spreads through seed, crabgrass is at its most vulnerable during the spring season. 






This perennial weed thrives in undernourished lawns and compact soil. Clover starts to green as temperatures approach 50 degrees and can spread aggressively if not properly controlled. 






A climbing, creeping perennial weed, bindweed reproduces through seeds and roots, spreading like wildfire and remaining viable in the soil for up to 20 years. 






A surefire signature of spring, dandelions are an ornamental weed that, if not properly treated, can overtake a once promising lawn in the blink of an eye.  


Take Action


Once you know what you are up against, finding the proper form of treatment is a piece of cake. If you’re looking for full eradication, and you’re not opposed to a chemical approach, herbicides, when used safely, are your best bet to take down even the peskiest infestations. All herbicides can be split into two main categories: Selective and Non-Selective.




Like the name implies, selective herbicides only kill certain weeds leaving other plants and vegetation unharmed. 




Less concerned with other vegetation, non-selective herbicides bulldoze almost any plant in their path and are better suited for those looking to completely reset their turf.


Selective herbicides can be further divided into two categories: Pre-emergent and Post-emergent.




By targeting young seedlings before they germinate and take root, pre-emergent herbicides interrupt the growing process before the weed becomes visible, acting as the perfect preventative measure to weed development. 




A crucial tool for killing weeds once they have sprouted, post-emergent herbicides will be your go-to choice for fighting off an infestation that is currently overtaking your turf.  


Develop a New Process


Herbicides will work wonders for taking down the task at hand, but if you seem to have a consistent problem with weeds year after year, you might need to switch up your turf-care process. 




Overwatering will encourage shallow root growth, causing your lawn to be more susceptible to heat, drought, and weed development. To encourage thicker roots and healthier growth, try a watering schedule that focuses on a deep yet infrequent watering approach. 


Mowing Height


Cutting your grass too short will stunt growth and allow weeds an opportunity to spread, as most common weed types thrive in short, underdeveloped turf. If you face consistent trouble, consider adjusting the height of your cut. We suggest following the rule of thirds to find the proper mowing height


Proper Nutrition


A stressed out, underdeveloped lawn has a higher chance of being overrun by weeds. Feeding your lawn regularly during growing season with lawn fertilizer will help balance pH levels and encourage thick, lush growth—leaving little space for those pesky weeds to take root. 
