Four ways you can enjoy the outdoors during the quarantine

Four ways you can enjoy the outdoors during the quarantine | Grasshopper Mower

Over the past month or so, self-quarantining and social distancing have shaken our daily routines and lifestyles. And, while it’s essential to take these two things seriously, it’s also important to do all you can to cure the cabin fever while staying healthy. Read on for four easy ways you can enjoy the outdoors over the next few weeks. 


1. Mow like a champ.


Mowing is our favorite thing to do. And, if you’re reading this, we would venture to guess it’s up there for you as well. If you’re looking to cure some cabin fever, a quick mow is a great way to clear your mind and get some fresh air. Getting bored of your normal mowing routine? Try striping. Already striping? Take your pattern game to the next level. Either way, we’ve got some inspiration for you here. 


2. Start a garden. 


With all this extra time on our hands, maybe it’s time to get those hands dirty. There has never been a better moment to finally start your garden then right now. Relax and unwind while planting your favorite veggies and herbs or pretty up your backyard with some flowers. 


3. Go for a hike or a walk.


Cure that cabin fever with a morning hike or late-evening stroll. Exercise will keep you healthy both physically and mentally while working wonders as an escape from the claustrophobia of self-isolation. However, make sure you are practicing safe social-distancing and avoiding popular parks or recreational areas during peak times. 


4. Put that freshly mowed lawn to good use.


Since you’ve already put in the hard work with tip number one, it’s time to reap its rewards. Get the family outside and play some games. Try training your pup or teaching an old dog some new tricks. Grab a lawn chair and soak up the sunshine. The possibilities are endless. 


If you’re feeling cooped up, try one of these four easy ways to get outside. And, always remember to practice safe social distancing and keep those hands clean!