Choose the right replacement mower parts for your Grasshopper mower

Choose the right replacement mower parts for your mower | Grasshopper Mower

The only certainties in life are death and taxes ... and buying replacement mower parts. But finding the right replacement parts for your mower can be confusing in a market crowded with original equipment manufacturer (OEM) and after-market parts.


Don't be tempted to save a few dollars on generic after-market parts, because cutting corners on replacement mower parts can be expensive. After-market parts have proven time and time again to be unacceptable and have even voided warranties. 


When you invest in a quality Grasshopper zero-turn mower, protect your investment by trusting only genuine Grasshopper OEM replacement mower parts that are manufactured to meet ultra-precise engineering specifications to maximize performance and significantly extend the life of your mower.


Here are several reasons to invest in quality OEM replacement parts for your Grasshopper zero-turn mower.


Replacement Mower Blades


Grasshopper GrassMax MARBAIN® blades are the only replacement mower blades in the world manufactured to meet the precise design specifications incorporated into every Grasshopper DuraMax® deck. The patented extra-durable heat-treating process employed by Fisher-Barton produces the hardest, strongest and most durable blades that cut better, last longer and are safer to operate.


GrassMax blades are 25 to 40 percent harder than other blades and hold their edge longer for a better quality cut. In fact, GrassMax blades are proven to last more than twice as long in field tests compared to after-market blades claiming to be exact replacements.


Check for the Grasshopper logo on the grass side of the blade to ensure that it is a genuine GrassMax replacement blade.


Replacement Hydrostatic Transmission Fluid


Specially formulated Grasshopper CoolTemp Hydro-Max Transmission Fluid contains patented anti-wear additives that maximize the service life of critical transmission components and minimize fluid and filter changes. CoolTemp Hydro-Max Transmission Fluid forms an advanced protective shield to eliminate break-in fluid changes and produce the lowest operating cost of all commercially available drive systems with 1,000-hour fluid change intervals up to four times longer than generic fluids.


In addition, Grasshopper fluid costs less than 5 cents per hour to use, so even with large cooling reservoirs, it more than pays for itself in reduced oil volume and labor compared to other off-the-shelf fluids.


Replacement Oil and Air Filters


Superior filtration is an absolute essential when it comes to keeping your Grasshopper operating at maximum efficiency, and genuine Grasshopper oil and filters are designed to protect the engine and extend service life.


The average human hair is one of the smallest things visible to the human eye on average, they measure about 70 microns in diameter. A white blood cell, on the other hand, is only 25 microns wide, and is too small to be seen with the naked eye. Unfortunately, particles even smaller than these can contaminate and shorten the life of a drive system.


Grasshopper uses a 7-micron absolute filter system that traps 74 out of 75 particles, ensuring a clean environment in the drive system. Most after-market filters only capture half of larger 10- to 40-micron particles, so the remaining particles as well as all particles smaller than 10 microns pass through unfiltered.


And, dust is an engine's worst enemy. Using inferior quality aftermarket filters on your Grasshopper mower can allow dust to cause premature wear and possible failure of the engine and these types of failures are not warrantable. Using genuine OEM filters will ensure a proper fit and tight seal to prevent dust from reaching the engine, while an after-market air filter will not provide an exact fit, increasing the likelihood of engine contamination.


Replacement Mower Belts and Drive Belts


Grasshopper MaxLife premium industrial-grade belts conform to rigid specifications for material, dimension, shape, construction and pliability to ensure superior performance and the longest possible service life. Finding an after-market belt of the same length won't provide the same performance, so always look for the Grasshopper name on the belt to ensure superior performance.


Contact your local Grasshopper dealer to order Grasshopper OEM replacement mower parts.