7 questions to ask when you choose a zero-turn mower

7 questions to ask when you choose a zero-turn mower

Zero-turn mowers are extremely maneuverable, turning on a dime. They also deliver a high-quality cut efficiently with lower maintenance costs than some other machine configurations. These are just a few reasons why landscape professionals include zero-turn mowers in their fleets or choose to run ZTRs exclusively. 


There is a zero-turn mower suited for every application. When we meet with lawn care professionals who want to test a Grasshopper zero turn, the conversation starts with what they’re currently using, the type of terrain they mow and typical mowing conditions. 


We talked to one of our application consultants who visits with landscapers who are trying Grasshopper for the first time, repeat customers adding to their fleets, and fleet managers considering a different type of ZTR than they’re currently using. His demo trailer of Grasshopper zero-turn mowers is set up to accommodate all three types: MidMount, FrontMount and Stand-On riding mowers. This way, he can introduce lawn care pros to all the zero-turn options during in-field demos.


We sat down with our Grasshopper expert to find out the questions fleet managers should ask when demoing a zero-turn mower. Here, he offers insight for making the most of a ZTR demo and choosing the right machine for you.


1. How will the zero-turn mower handle my mowing conditions?

Will you be mowing along sloped land or up and down hillsides? Do the properties you maintain include landscape beds to maneuver around or fence lines to mow under? Is your clientele mostly residential in a suburban setting, or do you mow expansive rural properties, municipal land like along roads, commercial areas, homeowners’ associations with common spaces and lots of beds and walkways to edge? 


1 - mowing conditionsHow is your mower working now in the lawn care conditions you face in the field? 


There are usually pain points landscapers bring up during our conversation. For example, maybe the mower you’re using now is uncomfortable when crossing uneven terrain. Perhaps the mower is slipping on slopes or scalping lawns. Your business might have evolved and the mowers you previously acquired don’t perform like you expect for new accounts. Let’s face it, our needs change over time. 


We know that the properties you mow have different characteristics. You may require more than one type of zero-turn mower for your trailer, such as a compact mid-mount machine that efficiently cuts around obstacles and a front-mount ZTR to cut grass underneath long passes of fence line. In general, here is where each zero-turn mower excels on various terrains. All machines are designed for commercial use. Always refer to the operator manual for proper mowing practices. can handle gentle slopes using operator best practices.  


  • OutStander® – These stand-on mowers excel in tight spaces. They’re an outstanding choice for mowing neighborhood lawns and compact properties. Plus, operators who often confront obstacles like kids’ toys and branches can easily hop off and on the mower to clear the way/
  • MidMount – Your True ZeroTurn™ mid-mount mower is ideal for straightaway mowing applications and can efficiently cut grass on large properties. Landscapers appreciate their performance and efficiency for high-capacity mowing. 
  • FrontMount – Front-mount zero-turn mowers are low-profile, out-front design can trim grass under fence lines, shrubs and low-hanging branches. There are many available implements


Keep in mind, Grasshopper zero-turn mowers are available in a range of deck sizes, from 41 to 72 inches. 


2. What engine options are available for ZTR mowers?

Engine options include vertical or horizontal shaft designs, and Grasshopper MidMount and FrontMount zero-turn mowers are constructed with both types. The OutStander Stand-On series is equipped with vertical shaft air-cooled gas engines only.


What’s the difference? Versatile horizontal shaft engines are widely used in the automotive industry and in lawn mowers. These engines tend to run cooler. Vertical shaft engines are adapted to the outdoor power equipment market and tend to be more cost-effective. The maintenance requirements are equal for both engine configurations. 

3. Are clean diesel engines worth it? 

We love this question because it gives us an opportunity to educate landscape professionals — and every customer — about the benefits of clean diesel and why engines that burn this low-emissions fuel have fewer service points, more power and greater efficiency, maximizing your cost of ownership. It’s a decision worth considering seriously.


First, let’s talk about clean diesel, an alternative fuel that is environmentally responsible. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), clean diesel is one of the lowest-emissions options available. Grasshopper diesel zero-turn mowers with MaxTorque™ engines are ahead of the curve with EPA Tier 4 Final compliance. This standard means these engines reduce the levels of particulate matter and oxides of nitrogen (NOx) to a level that is 50 to 96 percent lower than older diesel engines that are not Tier 4 Final compliant. 


High-torque power is necessary for conditions such as mowing tall grass, wet turf, mulching, and for maintaining industrial parks or roadside medians. Clean diesel delivers more power with fewer emissions than gasoline, increasing mowing efficiency so you can get tough jobs done faster and more responsibly.


When you invest in a commercial-grade zero-turn mower, you want it to last. At Grasshopper, we pride ourselves on rugged, high-quality construction and our repeat customers show us that no matter the model you choose, you’re getting a dependable mower that stands up to tough conditions. But it’s worth noting, Grasshopper liquid-cooled, three-cylinder MaxTorque diesel engines have proven to run two, three and even four times as long compared to air-cooled gasoline models. 


Will buying diesel fuel cost more? Not at all when you consider fuel efficiency. Check out our fuel calculator and run some numbers. We think you’ll be surprised. 


4. How does a zero-turn mower discharge clippings?

4 - Discharge clippings

Let’s return to mowing conditions and your customers’ expectations. Typically, mid-mount and front-mount ZTRs are side-discharge, but there are cases when you don’t want clippings to shoot out onto walkways, driveways or into landscape beds. We offer a side discharge control kit that allows you to shift a lever to drop down a shield when cutting near cars, beds and fence lines. All Grasshopper mowers can be outfitted with a side discharge control kit.


The other option is rear discharge, which is available for most Grasshopper MidMount and FrontMount mowers. Some people think that rear discharge mowers always leave behind windrows of clippings that need to be cleaned up. But the unique, patented, four-blade design of our 4X Rear Discharge decks for MidMount mowers includes an extra spreader blade behind the traditional three-blade design. This extra blade spreads the clippings evenly across the width of the deck before they are discharged down and behind the mower for a cleaner cut with no windrows. 


You can mow in a tuxedo on our MidMount rear-discharge zero-turn mowers because there is absolutely no debris blowing out from the sides of the machine. We also find homeowners with allergies who are especially sensitive are pleased with the evenly mulched clippings that do not further aggravate asthma or hay fever.

5. How can I cut down on zero-turn mower maintenance?

Serviceability is an important factor to consider when buying a zero-turn mower. How easy are service points to access? What maintenance is required to maximize the longevity of your machine and keep it in top-performing condition? 


Grasshopper Mowers with our Access-Eze™ design allow for easier access to the engine, filters, belts, battery and other moving parts. Moreover, our MidMount and OutStander models have only five grease points while FrontMount zero-turns have fewer than 10 grease points. 


Plus, the exclusive PowerFold® feature – standard on all FrontMount models – lifts the mower deck effortlessly at the touch of a switch. PowerFold gives you easy access to the underside of the deck for simplified maintenance. 


Equally important is OEM parts availability from a Grasshopper servicing dealer, and common design across many models that makes numerous parts compatible across multiple models and more affordable.  


6. What attachments will make a ZTR mower more versatile?6 - attachments


Customize your zero-turn mower with accessories such as a canopy for protection from the sun with optional lights if you plan to mow before dawn or after dusk. We also offer beacon kits for roadside mowing to elevate safety in the field.


We always remind fleet managers, your Grasshopper zero-turn mower can do so much more than cut grass. Make it work for you. A wide range of attachments such as a PowerVac™ Collection System for managing fall and spring cleanup and Edge-EZE™ Edger save time and improve results. Both the PowerVac and Edge-EZE are available for MidMount and FrontMount  models; the Edge-EZE is available for OutStander models. FrontMount implements include snowthrowers, dozer blades, rotary brooms, V-plows, turbine blowers, AERA-vator coreless aerators, and shielded sprayers.



7. What’s the benefit of buying a mower from a Grasshopper dealer?

Your local authorized Grasshopper dealer is your partner in business and is a ready source for all of your mower equipment, maintenance, parts and education needs. Our network of dealers plays an integral role in ensuring you realize a maximum return on your investment, from fuel savings and generating additional revenue with implements to achieving labor savings. When you buy a premium quality zero-turn mower from a company like Grasshopper that supports our products, the results are profitability, sustainability and longevity.

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